Let’s Talk Story builds on the notion that “wisdom is in the ordinary if you know how to look.” Arnie Weimerskirch and John Fechter have extensive experience in industry at Honeywell and Medtronic, and are keen observers of their surroundings. As with the interviews in The Engineer’s Guide to Authentic Leadership, you will find many nuggets of wisdom told in a very engaging and readable manner.
The Noble Cause of Manufacturing
Imagine the world without modern manufacturing and how less pleasant it would be: The Noble Cause of Manufacturing.
The Pursuit of a Good Night’s Sleep
This article for NSPE discusses the difficult question of how can people balance the often competing interests of supporting their family and doing what they know is right.
Our Ethical Obligation to Lead
Written for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, this article discusses the ethical obligation to learn about oneself in order to ethically lead an organization.
The Critical Role of Mindset
An interview for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) with authors Bennett and Millam on how we organized our first book ‘Leadership for Engineers: The Magic of Mindset’ and what seasoned professionals can do to continually develop their leadership capacity.
Alumni of “Leveraging Leadership for a Lifetime”
A survey of alumni of the graduate leadership development course in the School of Engineering at the University of St. Thomas sought to answer the question: “has the study of leadership development been of value to the graduates in the years after completing the course and, if so, how?”
Leadership Education in Engineering Schools
With help for the Engineering Deans of ASEE, we surveyed the interest and practice of engineering schools in developing leadership capabilities of students. This paper documents the motivation for our research, the process we used to gather the data, and assessment and evaluation of the responses.
Leadership and Working Adult Graduate Students
This research discusses transforming cultures in industry and creating more effective and productive organizations through leadership education.
Developing Leadership in Graduate Student Women
This research looks at the issues that limit engineering women’s opportunities for faster advancement, and shares information about a course in developing leadership capacity in women engineers.
Beyond Professionalism to Leadership
This research discusses the growth process of technical professionals when they add an understanding of the different role that is leadership and how it has an impact on each person and on the organization. It includes details of the process of learning about themselves and the journey that they have taken and documented in their leading and learning plans.